[Poll] Who’s Your Favorite Girl Group Center? (New Era Edition)

Choosing a center has become more and more popular within K-pop groups. Of these new era girl group centers, which one is your favorite?

Momoland‘s Nancy

Favorite‘s Ahra

IZ*ONE‘s Wonyoung

IOI‘s Somi

Fromis_9‘s Jisun

Nature‘s Gaga

Oh My Girl‘s YooA

GWSN‘s Lena

April‘s Naeun

CLC‘s Seungyeon

Twice‘s Nayeon

Loona‘s Heejin

Gugudan‘s Hana

(G)-Idle‘s Soyeon

Uni.T‘s Euijin

Cherry Bullet‘s Jiwon

DIA‘s Chaeyeon

Itzy‘s Ryujin

Busters‘ Chaeyeon

Elris‘ Sohee

Pristin‘s Xiyeon

Weki Meki‘s Yoojung

Dreamnote‘s Sumin

[democracy id=”1215″]

poll made by skycloudsocean

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